Greg Peters recently had a particularly large following on his Vapour Trail show with listeners from Nashville representing the band 9-Volt Velvet and from Australia from the band Hey Calamity and other musicians who are fans. I've been noticing for a while now that musicians are some of the biggest music fans and are happy to support us DJ's and interact with other listeners and musicians while our shows are on. They don't hate their job, it's not like a musician doesn't want anything to do with music or talking shop. But more often than not musicians aren't full or even part-time musicians. They are creating art to fulfill what making money doesn't necessarily do for them.
So I have to keep reminding myself to focus on the positive and what I can control in my life and that is my patience with those that don't meet my minimum expectations at work, personalities or temperaments that clash and find a way to smile and be kind. I will think about the music that is coming from others out there, who pour their souls and efforts into creating art that inspires me to keep at it and wake up the next morning with an interest in seeing where life takes me.
What do you do to make your life worth living? Hopefully, it's listening to music that moves you or making music that feeds your soul.
Lots of great music is added to Eardrum Buzz Radio every week and you can hear new releases weekdays from 3pm-6pm on The Current Buzz.
Dead Can Dance canceled their 2023 tour due to health reasons. I do hope they get better and are able to tour but somehow I'll make it if I never get to see them.
And I won't go into the fiasco that is the ticket situation with Ticketmaster and Live Nation but to say I won't be seeing any event held at a place like the Forum until they do something about their ticket pricing. If you tried to get tickets to one of the 11 dates in the States to see Depeche Mode or see the reunited Blink 182 tour you know what I'm talking about.
On the upside, the Unity Tour with Pet Shop Boys and New Order at the Hollywood Bowl was amazing and I got to see my old friend Dave Kelly and his wife Jane for the first time in many years. We caught up and they got to see their first concert in decades. The bands put on excellent sets with plenty of lights, lasers and video footage behind them. And they both sounded great.
We and I mean other, talented people are working on art to put on shirts and hats and mugs and hoodies for the Eardrum Buzz Radio store. Tony Burnett has some awesome logos and Mindy Scurto is working on a design that I hope will get you all to want to help support the station and that you'll wear proudly!
If you'd like to help support Eardrum Buzz Radio may I direct you to our Patreon page? I've been posting mixes from Madame Maledicta with a deadly electronic mix featuring lots of Skinny Puppy along with some mixes of acts I love. You'll also get discounts on merch when we're ready. www.patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio
John Wellby will begin airing his show Fuzz Delay Reverb on Eardrum Buzz Radio starting November 6th. He'll have a new one-hour show on the first and third Sundays at 11am and 8pm Pacific time. Check your time zone converters to make sure you don't miss out!
Danny Gellis is back with Serious Spinach on Fridays at 10am! Truth be told, I didn't think he was going to return but in his usual way, just contacted me the other day and said he had a show. So enjoy his two hour show of craziness and eclectic selections and be brought back to the days of Wolfman Jack, Doctor Demento and Jed the Fish and enjoy some real radio!
The ultra-talented and busy Rosie Varela is stepping down from her Be Here Now Show to focus on her own music and other duties. Her shows were so good and I can only hope she does another show down the line. In the meantime, pick up her album What Remains by The Rosie Varela Project on Bandcamp! https://thervp.bandcamp.com/album/what-remains
Heather Macias is taking her Echoes In A Shallow Bay to Mixcloud until she can get a set schedule. You can hear her and her husband Mario as Winter of Our Faith. They just released a single with the wonderful art of Vinca Renner too! http://winterofourfaith.bandcamp.com
Back to responding to emails and listening to some wonderful music.
Thanks for joining me on my journey to find peace and happiness if only in a 3 minute song.

And a huge thank you to all the bands, labels and publicists for sending submissions to the station! Your music is placed in the library, sent out to our DJ's and is played for a few weeks on weekdays from 11am-2pm Pacific time on the Current Buzz block.
Follow Elizabeth Klisiewicz's The Kitchen Sink on Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/eklisiewicz
Eardrum Buzz Radio Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/eardrumbuzz PayPal: https://paypal.me/eardrumbuzzradio
Written by Bret Miller Eardrum Buzz Radio www.eardrumbuzz.net
Follow Eardrum Buzz Radio: Instagram: @eardrumbuzzradio Twitter: @eardrum_buzz Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/EardrumBuzz
Send submissions to: bret@eardrumbuzz.net with "Submission" and your band name in the subject. Please only MP3 files, no WAV files, no Spotify links, just your awesome music!