Halloween has come and gone, which means the cold and the gloom and the rain are ahead. For all your folks with your moon tans, those that prefer Fall and Winter, good for you. I prefer warmth and sun and shorts and short-sleeved shirts and going to the beach. Today I will have a light jacket handy but am staying with the above-mentioned outfit.
Tonight was the practice run, the soft opening of The Bitter Sea with John Treanor. John sings and plays guitar in Tombstones In Their Eyes. Check them out on Bandcamp. I've done a few shows live with John before and we've had fun picking songs together and talking on the air. John always plays songs that are new to me and he's always chill when I'm dealing with him. He's really excited about sharing new songs with you.
Send John some requests and listen to The Bitter Sea live on Eardrum Buzz Radio, first and third Tuesdays from 6pm-9pm PDT.
Greg Peters, the host of Vapour Trail, Meagan Masingill and myself did a live show for Halloween weekend and we had such a great time we will be doing so regularly. On the second and fourth Friday Vapour Trail will be Live at 6 or 7pm PST/Saturday 1 or 2pm AEDT.
Will we get better at our banter? Will we (me) learn to use headphones while talking on the mic? Will we all try to play the same new song or same artist? We have complimentary taste in music but it's where we diverge that really makes the night fun. We just chat on facebook messenger about stuff and don't particularly care if anyone actually listens. But if you do, we thank you and ask for some requests. We'll take request and theme ideas.
The last Bandcamp Friday of 2021 has a few more hours on the West Coast but I've already supported my fair share of artists and will now spend hours and hours over the next week loading these songs into the station library. If you want to see where I spend all my money: https://bandcamp.com/bretmiller
I also accept submissions and want to say thanks to all the bands, labels and publicists and to also ask for patience in me getting back to you. It may take a few weeks but it will happen eventually!
I'm lucky enough to have a few minutes tonight to hear Expanse from AudioBuddha. It's his 10th episode and the two hour sets are always a pleasure. They're beat mixed and full of exciting rhythms and styles. Expanse is new on the first Saturday at 6pm PST and replayed each Saturday of the month. AudioBuddha said he is thinking about going back to twice monthly shows so stay tuned!
There's a chat box at the bottom of the main website page where you can send request and love. I might even remember to look there every once in a while. I'm mainly on Facebook. the link is below. So if you want to communicate, send me submissions or ask for show info or ask what song played at 4:39am on a Saturday, I'm there for you.
Vapour Trail's regularly recorded show is on the first and third Fridays at 12am PST/7pm AEDT and 7pm PST/Saturday 2pm AEDT with Greg playing new and classic songs from Australia and beyond. If you're in Australia you can catch a replay the following Friday at 7pm AEDT.
The Bitter Sea live with John Treanor: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6pm PST.
Vapour Trail Live with Greg, Meagan and Bret: 2nd & 4th Fridays at 7pm PST // Saturday at 2pm AEDT.
Written by Bret Miller
Eardrum Buzz Radio
Follow Eardrum Buzz Radio:
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Twitter: @eardrum_buzz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/EardrumBuzz
Send submissions to: bret@eardrumbuzz.net with "Submission" and your band name in the subject.