It's been a very cold February and the first few days of March. We've had record rains, it's been snowing at lower altitudes than it has in decades and even the Hollywood sign had snow on it. There's snow on the hill overlooking Burbank and snow in the La Crescenta Valley on the other side of the San Fernando Valley, at 1400 feet. Right now it is cold and windy, lows in the 40's and highs in the 50's. I'm eagerly awaiting for it all to pass and to enjoy warm Spring weather so I can ride my new bike and get some much-needed exercise.
I've got some shows coming up with Airiel and Deserta, The Church and Letting Up Despite Great Faults with Draag as well as the Cruel World Festival in May. I also got to enjoy the Ride/Charlatans show at the Wiltern and caught up with friends including Charles Motorbike, Keith, Tony and Daanon.
I'll get to meet Tina and The Hams and Factory guitarist Damian Frood, coming from Australia this April, which will be a treat.
The station has been down for the better part of a day and I hope to see it back up tomorrow. Something to do with too many similar genre tags. I can't get into the library or load songs. But the folks in Greece, where Radiojar is located are working on it and I'm confident they'll fix things before our weekend shows begin airing.
Brandon Dudley has a new show called Souvlaki Bass Station and for two hours on the first Sunday of the month at 1pm and 9pm PT your ears will be graced with songs focusing on the bottom end, the bassists that keep the songs moving and laying down the melodies for the singers and guitarists to follow. If you don't know Brandon, he is the bassist for the band Echodrone, a band I love, full of talented musicians and with a large enough and far-ranging catalogue that fans of many styles and genres should find something to enjoy. They also know their way around a cover or two. Echodrone has done a show where each member played and introduced songs and Brandon has also done two anniversary shows for Eardrum Buzz Radio. I've seen the playlist for his first Souvlaki Bass Station show and it is amazing. You can find the shows on Podbean the rest of the month.
Keeley Moss' show Keeley's Blissed-Out Bangers has also been on weekly for five weeks now and each show is just so much fun! Be sure to listen Sundays at 12pm & 8pm PT for a fun hour of classics and recent releases. Keeley's enthusiasm is infectious!
We're still selling shirts and hoodies on Bonfire and taking subscriptions for Patreon too. I've added merchandise for the Absolute Legend tier that includes a sticker, mugs, prints and totes, each with a different design. For $20 a month you can receive all of those items as well as exclusive mixes and you get to hear our twice-monthly Vapour Trail Live a week before the rest of the world, if you missed it on the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 6pm-9pm PT. You can also become a Patron for as little as $5 a month and get the mixes and advances of Vapour Trail Live. If you give $10 a month you'll get a mug with one of our many logos designed by Tony Bennet. All tiers get a discount on the Bonfire merch too, including Mindy Scurto's Evolve design. Help support Eardrum Buzz Radio and get stuff!
You can hear past Vapour Trail Live and guest shows at our podbean page and download for later listening. Leave a comment and tell us what you think!
Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email me at bret@eardrumbuzz.net and send me your band submissions in MP3 format as well as your requests and keep up with our latest shows! Sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of our website or check out the Blog page on the website.
Until next month, stay toasty!

Become a Patron and help support the station at: patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio
Other ways to support Eardrum Buzz Radio are via Paypal: paypal.me/eardrumbuzzradio. Every little bit helps and goes towards bills, saving for new gear and purchasing more music for your enjoyment. You can also retweet our autoposts from Twitter @eardrum_buzz and on Instagram @eardrumbuzzradio and repost and share our events on Facebook, post about your new music and releases at facebook.com/groups/eardrumbuzzradio and join us there to chat during our shows.
Thanks to everyone who listens to Eardrum Buzz Radio, chats with us throughout the week and during our live shows and helps spread the word. You are appreciated!
Eardrum Buzz Radio Patreon page: patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio
LINKS: linktr.ee/eardrumbuzz
LinkTree: linktr.ee/eardrumbuzz PayPal: paypal.me/eardrumbuzzradio
Written by Bret Miller Eardrum Buzz Radio eardrumbuzz.net
Follow Eardrum Buzz Radio: Instagram: @eardrumbuzzradio Twitter: @eardrum_buzz Facebook: facebook.com/groups/EardrumBuzz
Send submissions to: bret@eardrumbuzz.net with "Submission" and your band name in the subject. Please only MP3 files, no WAV files, no Spotify links, just your awesome music!