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EDBZ Blog #24

Music, like much of life on this planet, is a continuum, old becomes new, someone splashes some colors on a classic picture and calls it new, a pretty/handsome/wild personality smashes three known styles together with lots of flesh and flashy outfits and becomes a star. So I chuckle and also take in stride the fact that I've just purchased three albums from my past that I likely wore out cassettes of and sang loudly to. Mr. Mister's Welcome To The Real World so far doesn't sound too familiar, but I'm only on the first track. Uniform of Youth is a pretty good song.  I saw them open for Don Henley's Building The Perfect Beast tour in 1984. I might got back and listen to this album from beginning to end but the highlights are the two songs that radio played, and for good reason. Kyrie has a good energy to it and is simple and Broken Wings was passionate and had those futuristic sounding synths. 'Til Tuesday's Coming Up Close: A Retrospective might have a few songs I recognize instantly and a few that will vaguely tickle the back of my mind. Did I see them live? I can't remember. But Aimee Mann has kept at it and her voice often has that sadness to it, as heard in the Magnolia soundtrack. That movie was all about synchronicity so it was magical when the director/writer decided to have all the main cast members sing her song Wise Up at the same time. Listening to this collection I realize I only know the first two songs, Love In A Vacuum and, of course, Voices Carry, thanks to the video on MTV. I'll have to delve into the others as they are good but don't grab my ears like the first two. The third album I got was Boomtown by David & David. The album starts off with Welcome To The Boomtown. I find it amusing in retrospect that even then the duo were cynical. But they were also quite talented and the album went platinum (that's one million album/cassette/CD sales). I don't think I saw them live either. The two members went on to work with many talented musicians including Sheryl Crow and Robbie Robertson. Just look them up on Wikipedia. This one album set up their careers as songwriters and musicians that are still working today. You've heard Leaving Las Vegas? They wrote and played on that song.

What brought on this few minutes of searching for music from the middle of the 1980's? Likely some Youtube thing about bands from that decade. I would be happy to just hear the few singles from the first two bands that more people know of but Boomtown is solid songcraft. Watching Rick Beato try to show some enthusiasm for the top ten most listened to songs on Spotify led me to purchase ORQUÍDEAS by Kali Uchis, whom I've never heard of but sounds quite good with her soulful and sexy vocals, pop-y R&B mixed with Reggaeton and, House dance rhythms and Latin flavored style. Most of the songs on Beato's Spotify list were purely electronic with some human sounding vocals and a few actual songs. Music shouldn't be a background for selling something, whether it's a lifestyle or a product. Music should be art for its own sake. Find those acts and sounds that speak to you whether new or old. Find the next 'Til Tuesday, the next Mr. Mister, the next David & David, those bands and musicians that might actually have long future careers or might have just the few songs that lasted decades in people's psyche. 

Listen to Eardrum Buzz Radio, request a song, enjoy music from bands that had that one song or bands that are still going strong today with decades of releases you know deep in your heart. 

We've got a new shirt style available at the Store! Tony Burnett's Psychedelic Sun logo is now at Printify:

Sign up at the bottom of the main page at for these musings to drop in your email or just enjoy them on the site purely by accident. Tell your family and friends to tune in. Buy a shirt, mug or tote at our store. Stay enthusiastic about music and find something new or look back at something old, but never stop searching! And I'm still listening to Boomtown, six songs in and all solid compositions. You can support Eardrum Buzz Radio by becoming a Patron at where we have discounts on shirts, free mixes and early replays of our Vapour Trail Live shows. For as little as $5 a month you can show your support for independent radio and help keep us going for years to come. I want to thank all our Patrons, without you I'd have less money to buy more music and to keep the website and station going. Butch, Colin, Charles, Lat, En Jay, Clay, Steve, Dave, Whitney, John E, John T, Justin and Patrick: I most appreciate your support for Eardrum Buzz Radio!

Thanks for your support!

Bret Miller

I'm on Facebook at:,, on Twitter @eardrum_buzz and Instagram @eardrumbuzzradio. I have an autopost for songs played on Twitter too.

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Thanks to everyone who listens to Eardrum Buzz Radio, chats with us throughout the week and during our live shows and helps spread the word. You are appreciated!

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Written by Bret Miller Eardrum Buzz Radio

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