Eardrum Buzz Radio is turning three years young this July. I am looking for one hour shows for the anniversary week so contact me at bret@eardrumbuzz.net with the subject "EDBZ guest show" and let me know if you're interested in curating a show and sharing your love for music. I'll send you the details then. If you can't make the June 15th deadline you're welcome any time of the year to host a one or two hour show. Be prepared to send MP3's or a mixed file along with a picture of yourself or band and be able to record your voice to introduce/back announce the songs.
We have a new DJ, David Kasheta and his show Rock Never Rusts. You'll hear him on Sundays at 11am & 7pm PT right before Keeley's Blissed-Out Bangers. I'm hopefully getting better at bringing in new and passionate music fans and David seems to be excited to renew his sharing of music to the world. Find out for yourself starting the third Sunday in May and new on the first and third Sundays from then on. When he mentioned Rush I knew we were going to get along just fine.
Also, this thing ain't cheap to keep going, so if you'd like to contribute to the station, you can buy a shirt, become a Patron, send me a few dollars via Paypal and make posts, tweets and such on social media. Let's not keep my station a secret for another year, please help spread the love and thanks for listening to Eardrum Buzz Radio!
I'm on Facebook at: facebook.com/groups/eardrumbuzzradio, facebook.com/EardrumBuzzRadio, on Twitter @eardrum_buzz and Instagram @eardrumbuzzradio. I have an autopost for songs played on Twitter too. On Patreon you will get exclusive mixes of some of my favorite bands, a discount code for shirts and you'll get to hear Vapour Trail Live a week early, plus mugs, totes and more for the higher tiers. patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio. Buy shirts and hoodies with three different designs and many color choices at: bonfire.com/store/eardrum-buzz-radio.
Thanks to Colan Miles for the vinyl copy of Echoes Of A Former Life by his band Sun Shines Cold. Colan was nice enough to mail the record from Scotland, sign it and thank me among many other fine people in the liner notes. In the past year or so I began getting songs from Colan and I put them on the station right away. I loved their sound, full of effects-laden guitars, wispy vocals and understated yet epic melodies. Brian Jordan is the other half of Sun Shines Cold. How just two people make such beautiful music is beyond me but they are super-talented. They even did a station promo which you can hear throughout the day. Echoes Of A Former Life is their first full-length album after several one, two and three song releases. I guess I said the right things to help light a fire in them to put out the album. They're going to do a guest show for the third anniversary too! You can find Sun Shines Cold's music at: sunshinescold.bandcamp.com
May is a busy month for touring, as if every band you want to see decides to come through your town within the same four weeks time. Love & Rockets, M83, The Cure, Cruel World in Pasadena, Duran Duran, Frankie Rose with SRSQ, Ringo Deathstarr and others are on the road in the United States and will be asking your time to go singalong, dance and meet up with friends in the coming weeks. Me, I'm going to Cruel World on May 20th followed by The Cure on Thursday the 25th. Once again I want to see 13 of the acts on the Cruel World bill but will have to live with seeing maybe four full sets and a few partial sets. Will Siouxsie and Iggy sing a song together? Will Billy Idol still swagger and sneer? Will I get to see Adam Ant or Modern English or ABC or The Human League or Gary Numan? The Motels have some great songs too. And this year I'll happily stay to the end, unlike last time. It will be like a Saw movie cutting out which bands to see. Whoever puts these bills together could be nice and split the lineup in half and have the event over two days instead of one.
The Cure will play three nights at the Hollywood Bowl and I'm happy to have a seat anywhere after the trouble my friend Dave had to go through to get them. I do remember the nights spent drinking and having fun waiting for the ticket office at a venue or a record store to open so we could get the best seats in the venue. You can read all about the ticket buying situation online if you're interested in that. I'm just going to enjoy singing with Dave to all the songs we loved as teens growing up in Burbank.
While I do spend more money on music than I should, I shy away from most expensive vinyl reissue packages. I'd love to get all of the Rush reissue packages with the new art and tour books. Pink Floyd's 50th Anniversary release for The Dark Side of The Moon would be amazing as a physical package but I don't want to spend the money. I did find out about the Live From Knebworth release thanks to Floyd fan and excellent musician Martin Kennedy and got the digital files, though it is also out on vinyl. According to Amazon, "Live At Knebworth was recorded at Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire, UK, on June 30, 1990 in aid of the Nordoff Robbins Music Centre and The BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology". It was during Pink Floyd's Delicate Sound of Thunder Tour. Other bands that played were Cliff Richard & The Shadows, Dire Straits, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Genesis, Paul McCartney, Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, Status Quo, and Tears for Fears.
The reason I speak of this release is the performance of Great Gig In The Sky. The song finds the original vocalist Clare Torry returning to perform the song live. This is the first and only song Pink Floyd chose to have a female singer take lead. Richard Wright's lovely piano begins, joined by David Gilmour's pedal steel slides for a minute then Clare takes over for four minutes of sublime wordless singing. While Roger Waters isn't involved in this particular version, the band do a stellar rendition of the song, a highlight of their career in my mind. For five minutes you can feel elated, emotional, sad, mad, or just appreciate all that went into what was originally a drop in and sing job for a singer that had no idea beforehand who she was singing for. You can watch Clare Torry talk about it online, or in a documentary on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon. Watch HERE
Being able to geek out about songs, even one particular song from 50 years ago is a fun thing with a receptive audience, which I hope you who read these newsletters are. See you at Cruel World and the third Hollywood Bowl show for The Cure! Have a great May and get to work on your DJ sets!
Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email me at bret@eardrumbuzz.net and send me your band submissions in MP3 format as well as your requests and keep up with our latest shows! Sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of our website or check out the Blog page on the website.
Become a Patron and help support the station at: patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio
Other ways to support Eardrum Buzz Radio are via Paypal: paypal.me/eardrumbuzzradio. Every little bit helps and goes towards bills, saving for new gear and purchasing more music for your enjoyment. You can also retweet our autoposts from Twitter @eardrum_buzz and on Instagram @eardrumbuzzradio and repost and share our events on Facebook, post about your new music and releases at facebook.com/groups/eardrumbuzzradio and join us there to chat during our shows.
Thanks to everyone who listens to Eardrum Buzz Radio, chats with us throughout the week and during our live shows and helps spread the word. You are appreciated!
Eardrum Buzz Radio Patreon page: patreon.com/eardrumbuzzradio
LINKS: linktr.ee/eardrumbuzz
LinkTree: linktr.ee/eardrumbuzz PayPal: paypal.me/eardrumbuzzradio
Written by Bret Miller Eardrum Buzz Radio eardrumbuzz.net
Follow Eardrum Buzz Radio: Instagram: @eardrumbuzzradio Twitter: @eardrum_buzz Facebook: facebook.com/groups/EardrumBuzz
Send submissions to: bret@eardrumbuzz.net with "Submission" and your band name in the subject. Please only MP3 files, no WAV files, no Spotify links, just your awesome music!